Sea Staff Expenses


  • We are VAT rated. Obtain a VAT receipt for any purchases.
  • When paying for fuel, be sure to explain that it is for a commercial vessel. If you need evidence, the Certificate of British Registry or the YDSA Small Commercial Craft Certificate are both found in the Ships Papers. Please ask for a VAT receipt in the name of Discovery Sailing Project
  • Many marinas have agreed to give us moorings for discounted rates. Please check the handbook on board to give lists of the preferred mooring locations and the discounted rates offered.
  • When paying for food / supplies etc, please keep your personal purchases separate to anything bought for the project and keep hold of your receipts.

Claim form

Please enter expenses in the correct columns on the Expenses Claim Form

  • Equipment            – New, one off items       eg, hand bearing compass
  • Spares / repairs     – Consumables              eg, gas, batteries etc

Expenses must be received within one month of the completion of your voyage. Expense Claims Form